The shocking and tragic murder of George Floyd by US police has shaken the world. Stephen Morgan MP has expressed deep concern over the way President Trump has reacted to events. The Portsmouth South representative has expressed solidarity with those carrying out peaceful protests across the globe.


Mr Morgan has also raised the importance of reflection and real action on racism in our own communities and stressed that this is a ‘heinous reminder’ that hatred is alive in the world.


Stephen Morgan MP said: “The harrowing footage of the murder of George Floyd has quite rightly shaken the world. Tragically this is not a one-off event. It is endemic of a deep-set rot of racism that has infiltrated every aspect of society. If an innocent man can be killed in broad daylight by US police, then racism at every part of society must be present.


I support the peaceful protests across the United States, organised by the Black Lives Matter group. George Floyd must not become just another name. His shocking death should be the catalyst for change around the world”.


The Portsmouth South MP has stressed the responsibility on those in all communities, including Portsmouth, to take action to drum out racism wherever it is encountered.


Mr Morgan added: While the Black Lives Matter protestors in America are on the frontier of the battle for civil rights and their peaceful resilience is an inspiration, there are things that we can do here in Portsmouth to stamp out the racist rot.


Although George Floyd’s tragic murder was across the Atlantic, it is a chilling reminder that racism is alive across the world. Voices must be heard otherwise complacency and failure to address racism in our own country will remain a grave injustice.


To build a better society we must start here in Portsmouth and we must stand in solidarity together against racism and injustice around the world”.


Following concerns raised by constituents, to see city MP’s statement on the export of riot control equipment to the US, visit:

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